Affiliate or Influencer Marketing @ iBidd

Affiliate or Influencer Marketing @ iBidd

Let’s talk Residual Earnings!

iBidd referral programs incentivize existing users to build their own teams by introducing new users to the platform, offering rewards such as monthly revenue shares from team members, discounts, credits, or exclusive perks. These incentives encourage users to advocate for iBidd at no additional cost, aiding in the expansion of our marketing and user base.

Affiliate Marketing: iBidd has created a unique affiliate marketing program aimed at bolstering revenue streams through iBidd products, this initiative not only benefits iBidd but also empowers affiliates to earn recurring income based on their performance. Affiliates have the ability to market and earn from other platforms, products and services using the iBidd linkbacks, as well as iBidd user subscriptions, Bulk subscriptions, credits, and banner Ads, making this program a cornerstone of our strategy, running parallel to our monthly subscription model.

Moreover, affiliates and influencers, who promote iBidd can build monthly commissions and incentives,This forward-thinking approach sets us apart from other platforms, showcasing our commitment to innovation.

So what are you waiting for!